Monday, December 29, 2008

Free Research Links and Products for Researchers from (ERI) Economic Research Institute

Free Research Links and Products for Researchers from (ERI) Economic Research Institute...

ERI has expanded its provision of free resources to researchers, students, and instructors (with the latter able to receive other complimentary ERI and PAQ materials):

  • ERI Distance Learning Center: Online HR courses are provided free of charge for those new to compensation. To date, more than 20,000 individuals have spent an hour or more on the 53 subject matter topics for either certification credit or continuing education.

  • Free Global Salary Calculator®: Download a calculator that converts job family data into specific job value estimates (for over 100,000 job titles). See,, or any of 190 other countries' similar URLs.

> Find more information at:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

ERI Helps HR Professionals Manage Executive Compensation...

ERI EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION was founded in 1987 to provide compensation research to organizations and consultants in the form of published reports and survey software.

Our thousands of subscribers rely on ERI executive compensation survey data to set pay and to assess the reasonableness of compensation packages.

Download a demo version of ERI's Executive Compensation Assessor and see for yourself how this software tool can help you make more accurate and informed decisions.

ERI's Executive Compensation Calculator

ERI's Free Executive Compensation Calculator reports broad-range executive salary values and allows for easy comparison of executive positions but when you need the most up-to-date, reliable data adjusted by geographic area, industry, organization size, pay strategy, compensation valuation, and planning date then turn to ERI's Executive Compensation Assessor.

To learn more about this exciting product, Click Here...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Quick Start for Salary Negotiation - Kelsey Publishing Knowledge Base

Many people lack the expertise at salary negotiation and want to improve so they can advance their salaries and their careers. One friend recently asked me for some quick tips on how to negotiate a better salary.

Expert salary negotiation takes a lot of experience and a lot of practice. My experience has allowed me to negotiate salary many many times, and I have been able to realize significant salary gains as a result. I am writing here to outline what I consider a great, quick approach that can help arm you for salary negotiation and get you ready to negotiate a great salary.

While what follows here is a great beginning strategy, there are many approaches to negotiating salary. It is very important for salary seekers to have the full picture. You need to know all the successful and relevant strategies and all the ways to overcome common salary negotiation hurdles. Read more...

Read FULL Article: Check out the following salary negotiation do’s and don’ts at: