Train yourself and your staff online at ERI provides over 50 HR courses devoted to compensation and benefits education. Online courses provide you more in-depth training on Assessor Series software features. The Distance Learning Center offers recertification credits for maintaining your PHR/GPHR/SPHR certification from SHRM, your CBP certification, CCP certification, or GRP certification from WorldatWork Society of Certified Professionals, or your CPA license through NASBA-approved accounting courses. College students, job analysts, and compensation specialists can receive an advanced certification by earning ERI's Job and Compensation Analyst credential.
Check out the ERI Distance Learning Center's Free Resources:
Course Catalog
Would you like a free copy of the ERI Distance Learning Center online course catalog to be sent to you through the mail? This free catalog contains descriptions for all Distance Learning Center online courses (including those still under development). This resource is designed to help you plan your HR staff training, continuing education, and career development. You can also print out your own copy, using this link to our Course Catalog PDF. Click here to order a hardcopy to be sent to you through the mail.Click here
DLC Wizard HR SoftwareThe DLC Wizard® is a free HR software program that provides an unparalleled interactive e-learning experience. It automatically downloads 6 free HR software DLC Wizard is also fast! It frees you from browser and system problems by loading all online course materials automatically. You can download this software for free from the instructions page of the courses that use it. If your company has firewalls or you have a slow Internet connection, please send an email to: info.eri@erieri.comto: and request that a free DLC Wizard CD-ROM be mailed to you.
Business Dictionary
Find business definitions to over 2,000 compensation and benefits terms in the Distance Learning Center online business glossary. You can quickly find an HR term by using the Search field, or by selecting the letter with which the term begins. This free online business dictionary lets you search for a business term within all the online dictionary term names and definitions. In addition, each Distance Learning Center online business course provides a course index that lists HR terms used throughout the course. This index will link you to the business glossary for definitions, as well as show you where the HR term appears in other DLC e-learning material.
Read United States and Canadian employer laws that apply to compensation and benefits administration in the U.S. and Canada. These HR regulations deal with equal pay, affirmative action, prevailing wages, immigrant employees, retirement funds, cafeteria plans, and more. This resource of HR codes and employment regulations supplements ERI Distance Learning Center online courses. This page also provides a link to useful international employment references, including: country profiles, cost-of-living data, language data, weather and climate information, exchange rates, capital cities, hardship and danger allowance pay, and international schools.
Job Description SoftwareThis job analysis software provides 9,000+ position descriptions for 20,000+ position titles. Using the same construct as the Department of Labor's Dictionary of Occupational Titles (now out of print), this job description software has added new job titles, updated job descriptions, and 99 worker characteristics (including physical, cognitive, temperaments, and more). This job analysis software also includes filters to help you find alternate positions for individuals based on their interests, skills, and physical or mental abilities. Based on your inputs, the Occupational Assessor (eDOT®) will provide an alternate jobs list that includes job availability statistics for positions in selected geographic areas. That way you'll know if viable employment actually exists for the individual. If so, the Occupational Assessor will provide you with a list of potential employers, including contact names, addresses, and telephone numbers. This makes this job analysis software an unparalleled aid for those involved in career development, Human Resources planning, outplacement, disability case administration, or vocational rehabilitation. To download a free demo of this compensation software, click here.
Crosswalk to ERI Software and DLC Courses
Find out which ERI Distance Learning Center online courses teach about the ERI Assessor Series® compensation software to which you subscribe using the our Software/Course Crosswalk. Interactive Exercises found in many DLC online courses provide e-learning tutorials on beginning to advanced ERI Assessor Series research techniques.Learn more at the: ERI Distance Learning Center